Saturday, 31 December 2011

More game time! Yes!!

It is the last day of the year. I'm not in the mood to teach anything today. Maybe I'll play some games. But games are not the most beneficial things for us to do, especially if we want to improve our grammar. Maybe we can try reading? Yes. Reading is good. However, reading can be boring too. Is there a way that you can do both, playing a game while reading a book?

Actually you can. Have you heard of the term gamebooks? No? Thank you for making me feel very old. Gamebook was very popular in the 1980s. It is actually a book, but allows the reader to participate in the story by making effective choices to determine their own ending. It is like playing a role playing game (RPG), but the graphics and sounds are replaced by sentences. To play it, the readers need to choose the pages to go next. However, with the advancement of technology, there is no longer the need to flip pages.

I always enjoyed playing RPG, so I'm going to share with you an awesome website. Fighting Fantasy Project
In this website, you can choose to play (or to read) from over 30 gamebooks of different genres.

After you have chosen which one to play, you will have to choose your attributes first, just like playing most RPG. Then, it's hammer time!

Hopefully, apart from having fun whacking monsters and aliens, you will also learn something out of this. Look at the sentence structures! Identify them with the grammar rules that you have learned, be it here or in class.

Now who says that playing games is a waste of time?

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